I’m really pleased to have had a short story published recently in Issue 2 of Wrongdoing Magazine.
My story – Descent from the Cross – is adapted from a novel I’ve written which explores art and the “art world” from the perspective of seven different individuals (a curator, a restorer, an art student, and so on). This particular story focuses on a sex worker who is asked by an awful art dealer to recreate poses from famous paintings from history, in expensively-made costumes, etc. with inevitable tensions and absurdities.
The painting featured in this excerpt is an incredible work from the Louvre by a German artist whose name is lost, but is now known in English as The Master of the Saint Bartholomew Alterpiece. The bizarre pose of the woman in white in the bottom right of the painting has long intrigued me and ended up directly inspiring the concept for the story.
The good people at Wrongdoing asked everyone to film a reading from their work, which I didn’t want to do, so I made a ridiculous little trailer for the story instead (see above).
Anyway, you can read my full story through the freely-available PDF version of Wrongdoing Issue 2 here: https://www.wrongdoingmag.com/read.html